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PGF support for Wairoa creates jobs

Govt media release image

Media statement from the office of Fletcher Tabuteau - Regional Economic Development Under-Secretary who is in Wairoa today making the following announcement. 

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) investment of $3.78 million in Wairoa will create much needed economic stimulus and jobs, Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabuteau announced today.

PGF projects announced today include:

·         $200,000 loan to Nuhaka Kiwifruit Holdings Ltd (operated by Pine Valley Orchard Ltd) to increase the productivity of an existing horticulture infrastructure

·         $2 million loan to Quality Roading and Services Wairoa Ltd (QRS) to construct an Operations Hub

·         $1.58 million to carry out a range of renovations on 19 local marae

 “The Nuhaka Kiwifruit Holdings project will be used to enable the construction of a large water reservoir that will maximise the current water consent to allow the orchard to expand, and the covering of two existing areas of kiwiberries with plastic tunnelhouse systems,” Fletcher Tabuteau said.

 “This will enable the expansion of operations immediately, with the creation of up to 12 new jobs.

 “PGF support to Quality Roading and Services Wairoa Ltd for a new Operations Hub will enable QRS staff, currently housed in several locations that are old and beyond their design life, to consolidate existing staff and accommodate future staff numbers.

 “This will involve up to eight construction staff, with anywhere from up to 30 sub-contracting staff on site for the duration of the project.

 “A previous $60,000 PGF grant allowed the company to assess the project’s viability with a number of industry partners, including Fulton Hogan and Higgins, that may utilise the building and look into the establishment of a Training Facility there.

 “A total of $70 million was earmarked in May for the renovation of marae, town halls, war memorials and Pasifika churches all over the country. The money was part of about $600 million being refocused on projects with more immediate economic benefits as part of the COVID-19 recovery.

 “Marae are important centres for Māori culture and identity, which helps locals strengthen their connection to each other, while at the same time creating jobs for local tradies and contractors displaced by the economic impact of Covid-19,” Fletcher Tabuteau said.

 “$1.58 million PGF support to carry out renovations on 19 marae in Wairoa will include landscaping, building repairs, electrical wiring, plumbing, and painting work, and it is anticipated this will create 133 jobs.

 “The projects announced today follow on from PGF investments announced for Wairoa in January, contributing to more jobs for locals and economic growth for this region,” Fletcher Tabuteau said

 Media contact: Laree Taula 021 992 200

 Notes to editor:


Funding from the Provincial Growth Fund is approved in principle and announced, after which contracts are negotiated. Some funding may depend on completion of business cases. Payments are made once agreed milestones are met. These are set as part of contract negotiations, and differ from project to project.


7 August 2020

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