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Connecting and growing our communities.

We’re in Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, and we’re owned by Wairoa District Council.

We offer a comprehensive range of solutions to our wide range of customers while providing economic support for our owner.

We take on small and large civil construction projects in the public and private sector and manage nearby Bluck’s Pit. We’re also responsible for maintenance of the unsealed road network around northern Hawke’s Bay. In 2024 we began manufacturing, installing, and selling coastal erosion solution Ecoreef.

We have preferred supplier ISO accreditations and the relevant regional pre-qualifications meaning we’re strategically and geographically positioned to work with you.

We have won several Civil Contractor New Zealand construction awards and recognition for our work including the restoration of community connections with our Te Reinga Bridge work after Cyclone Gabrielle.

In 2024 we won the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Social Impact Award recognising the security and job opportunities we offer to locals, our large financial distributions to our owner, multiple community sponsorships and donations, and our commitment to a safe workplace.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. My strength is not mine alone, it is the strength of many.

Quality Roading and Services (Wairoa) Limited - Copyright © 2025

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